From the Board of Directors

John “Warren” Steen III, the Director of the RYE Foundation, unexpectedly left us for his heavenly home on February 26, 2024. Warren continued to serve as a legendary “champion of children” until the end of his earthly life. Warren’s family, friends, and our Board of Directors grieve the loss of his presence, yet we are comforted in knowing he is with our Lord, along with family and friends who have preceded him.

We invite you to read Warren’s obituary, which can be viewed HERE. We can clearly see that Warren approached all of life with what we experienced with the RYE… a passionate focus on family, friendship and faith, laying the groundwork for service and ministry to children and families in great need across our state. Warren’s attention to detail, follow-through, love for people and personal prayer life were hallmarks of his call to serve.

Each September since 2001 Warren has led our Board of Directors in our Champions for Children meeting. Representatives from agencies and groups serving needy children across our state met with us, sharing about their work, along with their needs. We would prayerfully consider all in our following discussion, beginning the process of matching resources with needs. At our December meeting, we would finalize our plan of giving for the year.

We appreciate that each meeting opened and closed with prayer, and this practice prayer continues. We take seriously our responsibility to guide generous donations to those in North Carolina who are working diligently and wisely to help children and youth, guided by the love of God. Following each meeting with passionate leaders from our state seeking support, our board members agree that we have met true “champions for children.” Afterwards our hearts are always filled with a sense of God’s presence and power, as our hearts are deeply touched by those serving on the front line to help children and youth during such vulnerable years of life.

Our board is continuing to meet and follow through with receiving and placing donations at this time. Join us as we pray for God’s guidance for the future. Thank you for sharing our passion for children and youth in our state who need help and support.

Let us all continue to give thanks for Warren and join our hearts in prayer for his wife, Kathy, and their children and grandchildren.

With gratitude,
The Board of Directors of the Rye Foundation